Why I Homeschool

I grew up as a military child. By third grade, I had attended four different schools (not counting the preschool I was "kicked out" of for knowing how to read!).  During my school years, I attended public schools across the US, a catholic school, and a christian school.  After I graduated (from the sixth school), I attended a Missouri state university and went to work teaching at a christian school.  Bottom line: I know a lot about educational choices and approaches.

I never intended to homeschool my children.  In fact, until I met my husband, I didn't even know it existed.

There are many reasons parents choose to homeschool their children, from educational to religious, to special circumstances.  These are my reasons:

I graduated as valedictorian of my high school.  The only B I ever received in my life was one semester of PE for not being able to kick a soccer ball into the goal.  I spent over half of my school years reading novels as I waited for the rest of the class to finish the assignments it took me only minutes to do.  While my choices were good - Poe, Doyle, Twain, Alcott, Carrol - could you imagine what I could have learned if I had been able to challenge myself to the limit and spend that extra time continuing on at my own pace?  That is one of the biggest reasons why I felt that homeschooling was a great idea.  It was solidified when my daughter was four years old.  She had begun reading at three and we had completed two full preschool courses by the summer she turned four.  I didn't know what else to do with her and did not want to just stop and wait a full year (or two).  I decided to let her go ahead with kindergarten.  She did amazing!  She is five now and finishing first grade and can read at a third grade level.  My three year old son began reading this month.  Oh, the potential these children can have when given the opportunity to excel!
Given my educational background, I know that I am just as qualified to teach my children as any other teacher in the school system.  In fact, if I were not at home teaching my own children, I would be working as a teacher teaching everyone else's.  I love the fact that teaching at home gives me freedom to expand on interesting areas, to slow down on harder parts, and to really tailor our day and lessons to each individual child.  Doing school in our pjs is an extra plus!

I do not believe that you must homeschool your children in order to raise strong, assertive Christian youth.  I am a living proof of that, and I know many parents with children in public schools that are doing a great job of this.  I do, however, think that homeschool offers a great opportunity to instill our values into our children and equip them with life's necessary tools before they have to encounter the 'real world.'  I love being able to discuss the way God created the universe in our science classes or how Christian men and women built the foundation of our nation in history.  Or to have Bible class.  These are principals that are left out in public school.  I also don't agree with society having eight hours to indoctrinate my child, while I have three or so and the church gets maybe two hours a week?  I am thankful to live in a country where I have the freedom to claim my time with them and my right to teach them as I see fit.
As a youth pastor's wife, I get to hear many stories of the things that go on in public school (as if I didn't already know about and do half of them when I was in school!) that are completely outside of the realm of education.  These things are a constant reminder of why I choose to homeschool.

Many people do not agree with homeschooling and I will admit that there are instances that I wish for the child's sake the parent would put them in school.  Homeschooling is not for everyone, but it is definitely the best thing for me and my children!

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